Meet the faces…
we sat down with the characters from Brenna Colvin’s Faces collection to find out a bit more about the group. The assortment is made up of 4 different characters – Frank, Jorgensen, Renee, and Brutus.

Frank, you are often called the centerpiece of the collection; Does that role come naturally to you?
Frank: I am one of the larger pieces so I can undersand why people might think that, but we are an ensemble group. Each of us has our own personality and role to play in the assortment. Brutus is really the fan-favorite
Brutus: -but Renee is the eye-catcher!
Renee: In the end each of us have our own expressions!
So is that the goal of the collection,
Renee: I like to think of it that way, a creative outlet for both the designer and the wearer.
Frank: what people wear is such an important part of their lives, and it can fall into the background, but it can also be a strong way to communicate who you are.
Renee: Also I like to think we are a type of wearable art. Sculpture for your hands.
Jorgensen: I love that idea.
Frank: ultimately, we are a support for the person wearing us, whatever that might be.

…is the strong, silent type who prefers never to start a fight but will end one when necessary.
…enjoys the casual study of forestry, forgotten board games, and a good pinot noir.
…wear Frank to find strength and patience.

Jorgensen impossibly cool, but has never been bothered to notice.
...loves Danish design, considers ice cream to be a food group and never enteres a room unnoticed.
...wear Jorgensen when you want to feel exceptional.
Where does the inspiration for the collection come from?
Frank: The initial inspiration came from Aegean sculptures.
Brutus: Yeah, Brenna traveled to Greece years ago, and picked up a replica sculpture on the trip.
Renee: She loved it and kept coming back to that idea. Once she decided to explore carving rings it was the first thing she thought of.
Brutus: - but once you get into it, a face is a theme in a lot of cultures early art. It is something that is shared across civilizations.
Is art history the primary inspiration of the collection?
Jorgensen: it was a jumping off point, but the primary focus is simplicity and modernity.
Renee: Constantin Brancusi and Lyonel Feininger are both favorites.
Frank: but inspiration is not limited to art, Jorgensen’s name comes from Brenna’s maternal grandmother, and their hair was an abstract portrait of her older sister.
Brutus: and if there are any 80s sifi fans in the audience, Frank gives some strong Flight of the Navigator vibes when you look at his profile.
And what about each of you, where do you find inspiration?
Jorgensen: I’m really into the vibe of a place. A currated environment where I can just hang.
Frank: There is so much creativity in the natural world, whether its botanicals, or astronomy.
Brutus: I can find inspiration in a lot of things, people watching, graffiti, the sunset. The world is constantly throwing things out to me.
Renee: I love vintage shopping and could spend hours hunting through racks. Also getting people together is very inspiring to me.
Speaking of, you’re planning an event in May right? Tell us more about that!
Renee: Yes I am planning a little something….
Brutus: Renee’s Spring Fling!
Renee: Yes thank you Brutus - that’s right. It felt about time for us to have another get-together and spring is always a cause for celebration!

Renee tenacious, enticing and extremely extroverted.
...loves chatting with strangers, collectiong vintage hats, and taking elaborate unplanned trips.
...wear Renee to feel unstoppable.

Brutus seemingly tough but is a wise and kind as he is stoic.
...loves the movie Harvey*, the smell of fresh baked bread, and books even when they are hard to come by.
...wear Brutus to feel as powerful as the storm and as calm as its center.
* The story of a man whose best friend is a Pooka named Harvey- in the form of a 6’3 1/2” tall invisible rabbit.
So give us the details, where, when, what should we wear?
Renee: All of those particulars are coming. It will be in the Lower East Side. When and where will be posted on our Instagram account once they are finalized
Jorgensen: Yes make sure to follow @b.c.o.l.v.i.n and watch for updates!
Renee: It will be a casual cocktail evening, with good food and with good company.
Frank: we will be taking appointments during the day, So reach out to to get on the schdule.
Renee: But everyone is invited to the evening cocktails so come by for a drink
Brutus: and bring a friend!!
Looking forward to it! Thank you, guys, for stopping by to chat and I will be watching for more Spring Fling details soon!